When adding yamllint to an existing project it can be hard to fix all the errors at once.
I wrote a simple script to create a rules block that simply ignores all rules that currently trigger for a file. This works by generating a rules block ignoring paths.
import subprocess
import yaml
rules = {}
cmd = subprocess.run(["yamllint", YAMLLINT_FILES, "-f", "parsable"], capture_output=True, text=True)
for line in cmd.stdout.splitlines():
# Extract rule
rule_start = line.find("(") + 1
rule_end = line.find(")")
rule_name = line[rule_start:rule_end]
# Extract file path
file_path_start = line.find("Line is: ") + 1
file_path_end = line.find("yaml") + 4
file_path = line[file_path_start:file_path_end]
# Construct output
rule_content = rules.get(rule_name, {"ignore": list()})
rules[rule_name] = rule_content