My Publishing Pipeline

I write an extensive personal knowledge base using markdown, code-server and a variety of other tools. Originally, in 2021, I wanted to have something like Obsidian Publish but self-hosted, so I created it.

Over time my knowledge base evolved more into a second brain, tracking not only my technical notes and journal, but also things like recipes and hikes. With this my publishing pipeline, and the script at it’s core, extended in a multitude of ways.

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Publish Parts Of Obsidian To My Personal Site

The idea at the start was simple. Do something like Obsidian Publish , so read frontmatter and if it contains published: True put it up on a website to view. Info I have since rewritten and updated this tool: New version The Basics I started with taking a look at different static site generators but after a bit of testing I ended up back at Hugo, which I already use for ps1. [Read More]

GitLab Merge Request from the CLI

Speed up your work with git by automatically creating Merge Requests for your git push

The Problem You want to push a branch to GitLab and automatically create a Merge Request (MR) for it. There are effectively three scenarios this can cover: Create a MR in draft state with a custom title Create a MR Create a MR and automatically merge if CI/CD pipeline succeeds Manually this is quite the process: Push branch to origin Copy link to create a MR Open the link, change fields to represent wanted state and submit The Solution GitLab offers push options1 that allow us to instruct it to do more than just plain git push. [Read More]


My preferred git server and CI/CD system, either or self-hosted.