MongoDB Logrotate
MongoDB does not rotate it’s log on it’s own.
To get it to ratet we will use logrotate.
First, we need to configure some things in mongod.conf to get the desired behaviour when we utilize logrotate.
systemLog: destination: file path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log logAppend: true logRotate: reopen Afterwards, we can create a logroatet configuration going in /etc/logrotate.d/mongodb.
/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log { rotate 5 # Keep the last 5 rotated logs, so 6 files including the currently active size 10M # Rotate once the log reaches 10MB in size, depending on your envrionment you could instead use daily, weekly, monthly, etc missingok # It's ok if the log file does not exist create 0600 mongodb mongodb # Permissions and ownership for the roatetd logs delaycompress # Don't compress on first rotation, so we have the current log and log.
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