Enable system extensions on Apple silicon Mac

Think before you enable this, it could be a security risk

  • Shutdown Mac
  • Press and hold the power button until the Recovery Mode menu appears
  • Select Options, then click Continue
  • From the Utilities menu select Startup Security Utility
  • Select your startup disk and click Security Policy
    • Choose Reduced Security
    • Check the option Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers

Looping Dates macOS

date on MacOS does not support --date, so a workaround is needed. Converting Date to unix epoch, adding one day in epoch and converting back. The Scripty Way Taken from a blog post #!/bin/zsh start=$year-01-01 end=$year-12-31 currentDateTs=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" $start "+%s") endDateTs=$(date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d" $end "+%s") offset=86400 while [ "$currentDateTs" -le "$endDateTs" ] do date=$(date -j -f "%s" $currentDateTs "+%Y-%m-%d") echo $date currentDateTs=$(($currentDateTs+$offset)) done The Brew Way As I found out long after writing the above you can simply brew install coreutils and get a date command with the --date option. [Read More]
macos  bash 


My operating system of choice on the client, usually on a MacBook Pro.