Windows 11: Taskbar

For some reason Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, decided to no longer support moving the taskbar to other edges of the screen with Windows 11.

Using a utility like ExplorerPatcher the whole task bar can be reverted to something close to Windows 10, including moving it to all screen edges.

Hidden WSL Fileshare

WSL file systems get exposed as a hidden share network share: \\wsl$\<WSL Name>\<path\to\file>

For example, my Debian home folder is at: \\wsl$\Debian\home\kamner

wsl  windows 

Windows Terminal: Open New WSL Tab In Linux Home Folder

The path you are in when opening a new WSL tab is determined by startingDirectory. This parameter needs to be a valid Windows path, which isn’t great if we want to end up in /home/kamner inside WSL. The nice thing about WSL is that it will resolve windows paths into their equivalent WSL/linux path if possible. For example, C:\Scripts would resolve to /mnt/c/Scripts. Using this and the neat trick that the WSL filesystem is exposed as a a hidden fileshare ([[technology/windows/wsl-hidden-fileshare]]) we can get to where we want. [Read More]