WSL2 & Keychain

The problem

If you use ssh-agent with an encrypted ssh key it does not persist when you open a new terminal window.

The solution

Use keychain instead.

  1. Install
    sudo apt install keychain
  2. Add to your shells rc file, eg. .bashrc or .zshrc
    # Repeat this line for all keys you want to unlock and use this way
    /usr/bin/keychain -q --nogui $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa
    source $HOME/.keychain/wsl-sh
  3. Unlock your keys on shell startup and enjoy
wsl  linux  ssh 

Hidden WSL Fileshare

WSL file systems get exposed as a hidden share network share: \\wsl$\<WSL Name>\<path\to\file>

For example, my Debian home folder is at: \\wsl$\Debian\home\kamner

wsl  windows 

Windows Terminal: Open New WSL Tab In Linux Home Folder

The path you are in when opening a new WSL tab is determined by startingDirectory. This parameter needs to be a valid Windows path, which isn’t great if we want to end up in /home/kamner inside WSL. The nice thing about WSL is that it will resolve windows paths into their equivalent WSL/linux path if possible. For example, C:\Scripts would resolve to /mnt/c/Scripts. Using this and the neat trick that the WSL filesystem is exposed as a a hidden fileshare ([[technology/windows/wsl-hidden-fileshare]]) we can get to where we want. [Read More]