I was recently doing a lot of layouting pages to later be printed, so showing how big certain elements are was of help to me.
This is a JavaScript function that does just that.
[Read More]Published directly from my personal knowledge base.
I was recently doing a lot of layouting pages to later be printed, so showing how big certain elements are was of help to me.
This is a JavaScript function that does just that.
[Read More]Using flex
children can easily be positioned vertically in their parent container.
When debugging issues with CSS layouts it can sometimes be tricky to really understand what is going on.
[Read More]I often find myself wanting a simple copy button in my web projects.
This is the recipe I build them from using clipboard.js and a couple lines of JavaScript.
[Read More]Sometimes, when working with externally generated content you might want to make links clickable when rendering it in the client.
This is a snippet to do just that.
[Read More]Sometimes, mostly when throwing together a quick idea or MVP, it can be useful to just register all models with the admin and leave proper customization for later.
[Read More]How to add things to a list using kustomize. This is useful for example when you need to patch additional environment variables into a pod.
[Read More]I often whish to search through large bodies of text, like my knowledge base or source code repositories, from the command line.
I use fuz for this and I’m quite happy with it.
I also have it aliased to my knowledge base folder for even easier searching.
alias search="fuz -p /path/to/knowledge-base/"
Hugo is my favorite tool for publishing markdown to the internet, but sometimes I want to do something a little bit more advanced with my posts.
With this shortcode I can always just fall back to plain old HTML.
[Read More]The HTML details element is a nice way to create natively expandable content with wide browser support.
[Read More]Cowsay is one of those packages you just end up installing randomly on just about any client over time.
And if your using ansible you may be in for a little surprise:
[Read More]Django’s CSRF protection is usually a great thing, but when building (API) endpoints meant to be accessed by scripts/third parties it gets in the way of that.
This is how to disable it:
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch')
class MyView(View):
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
def my_view(request):
Since early 2019 the sprig
library used by helm
provides a concat
function that does exactly this.
Go check out their website, it’s incredibly good at explaining itself.
To me, a backend heavy developer, HTMX is the frontend framework I like to use because:
Think before you enable this, it could be a security risk
, then click Continue
menu select Startup Security Utility
Security Policy
Reduced Security
Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers
The 1Password CLI op
works either in connection with a client app, like on the Mac,
or standalone, useful on a server.
# Login
eval $(op signin)
# Get favorites
op item list --vault "Private" --favorite
# Get a specific item
op item get <ID>
# !! Important: Sign out at the end
op signout
Helpers to more easily work with the op
1login() {
eval $(op signin)
alias 1signout="op signout"
1search() {
if [ -n "$2" ]
echo "Searching for '$term' in vaut '$vault'"
op item list --vault "$vault" --long | grep "$term" --ignore-case
1get() {
op item get $*