Navigate to Script Directory

Often times when writing scripts I want to reference files in the same directory, but keep the script portable in case it is part of a git repository being checked out somewhere else or just the folder getting moved.

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CLI fuzzy search

I often whish to search through large bodies of text, like my knowledge base or source code repositories, from the command line.

I use fuz for this and I’m quite happy with it.

I also have it aliased to my knowledge base folder for even easier searching.

alias search="fuz -p /path/to/knowledge-base/"

Render Plain HTML with Hugo

Hugo is my favorite tool for publishing markdown to the internet, but sometimes I want to do something a little bit more advanced with my posts.

With this shortcode I can always just fall back to plain old HTML.

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Ansible and cowsay

Cowsay is one of those packages you just end up installing randomly on just about any client over time.

And if your using ansible you may be in for a little surprise:

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Django: CSRF exempt view

Django’s CSRF protection is usually a great thing, but when building (API) endpoints meant to be accessed by scripts/third parties it gets in the way of that.

This is how to disable it:

For a class based view

from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch')
class MyView(View):

For a function based view

from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

def my_view(request):


Go check out their website, it’s incredibly good at explaining itself.

To me, a backend heavy developer, HTMX is the frontend framework I like to use because:

  • It does not feel like a JavaScript framework at all, but more like an extension of the HTTP/HTML model
  • It allows me to write interfaces that feel responsive and modern to users while still doing all the heavy lifting in my backend with the tools I’m used to
  • It works with my mental model, which is heavily based on the request-response cycle

Handling signals with Python

When building a Python script that is long running or has to manage some state on termination it is helpful to handle a couple of signals: SIGINT: The signal sent when pressing Ctrl+C SIGTERM and SIGQUIT: Meant to terminate the process, sent by kill and process managers like systemd or supervisord Handling them is possible with Pythons signals library: import signals class SignalHandler: stop = False def __init__(self): # Ctrl+C signal. [Read More]

My home office setup: 2023 edition

Since I spend more than 8 hours here most days I created a nice setup for myself. Thankfully I have a whole room just for my home office, so I take full advantage of that. Besides my main desk I have a secondary desk, a couch, a couple of sideboards, a wall mounted whiteboard and a couple of shelves to display all the techy and nerdy things. Main desk My main desk is a custom build based on a FlexiSpot height adjustable electric frame. [Read More]

Enable system extensions on Apple silicon Mac

Think before you enable this, it could be a security risk

  • Shutdown Mac
  • Press and hold the power button until the Recovery Mode menu appears
  • Select Options, then click Continue
  • From the Utilities menu select Startup Security Utility
  • Select your startup disk and click Security Policy
    • Choose Reduced Security
    • Check the option Allow user management of kernel extensions from identified developers

My hiking kit: 2023 edition

These days I enjoy hiking quite a lot. To make it easier to just “pick up the pack and go” I created two basic packs that are optimized for my needs and the environment I’m usually hiking in, the Swabian Alps. Basics I have some basics I duplicated and carry in both my packs, these are: Pen & paper Multitool Mini first aid kit in a ziploc bag Paracetamol Band aids Gel sanitizer Foam pad Waterproof poncho A bit of cash, usually around 20-30€ these days A piece of paper with my and my emergency contacts information Fisherman’s Friend for a fresh feeling and honestly because my parents had them when we were hiking Prepared packs Small pack I’m currently using a Terra Peak Flex 20l in red for my smaller backpack. [Read More]